Journal of the Society for Remediation of Radioactive
Contamination in the Environment
Vol.2, No.3 Contents
Preface |
Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant accident occurred before the units of Bq and Sv were widely spread.
Seiichi NAGASHIMA | 141 |
special report of Research Workshop |
The 3rd Annual meeting of SRRCE in Koriyama |
142 | |
Summary by chairmans on oral sessions |
147 | |
Summary by chairmans on “International Symposium on Decontamination of Radioactive Materials” |
154 | |
Review |
Efficacies of Radioactive Decontamination Methods Conducted by the Government of a Municipality of Chiba Prefecture [Written in Japanese]
abstract [Written in English]
Yujiro ICHIKAWA | 163 |
Original |
Studies of Cs Docontamination Condition Using Vermiculite as Simulated Soil [Written in Japanese]
abstract [Written in English]
Kohei YOSHIDA, Erni JOHAN, Naoto MATSUE, Yoshiteru ITAGAKI, and Hiromichi AONO | 175 |
Report |
Comparative Study on Annual 137Cs Discharge Rates after the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident from Two Distinct Watershed Simulation Models [Written in Japanese]
abstract [Written in English]
Akihiro KITAMURA, Yoshitaka IMAIZUMI, Masaaki YAMAGUCHI, Mikazu YUI, Noriyuki SUZUKI, and Seiji HAYASHI | 185 |
Chronological Table on The Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident and Related Subjects [4] |
193 | |
Governmental Information |
208 | |
Notes from SRRCE |
231 | |
Submission Guidelines |
232 |
The Society for Remediation of Radioactive Contamination in the Environment
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