The Society for Remediation of Radioactive Contamination in the Environment


Journal of the Society for Remediation of Radioactive
Contamination in the Environment
Vol.12, No.3 Contents


 ʻHow will we manage decontaminated soil and waste in the futureʼ – Recalling the time of the accident –
KAWATSU Kencho 69

Research Notes

Development of a Cement Solidification Method for Melting Fly Ash Containing Zn as a Hardening Inhibitor [Written in Japanese]

abstract [Written in English]
full text
YAMADA Kazuo, ICHIKAWA Tsuneki, YASUKOUCHI Takahito, TOJO Masayasu and ENDO Kazuto 71
The Fate of Strontium during Waste Incineration and Leachability from Incineration Residues (III): Leachability of 90Sr from incineration fly ash [Written in Japanese]

abstract [Written in English]
full text
YUI Kazuko, KURAMOCHI Hidetoshi and OSAKO Masahiro 79

Notes from SRRCE


Information on Journals Published Previously


Submission Guidelines


The Society for Remediation of Radioactive Contamination in the Environment

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