Journal of the Society for Remediation of Radioactive
Contamination in the Environment
Vol.12, No.3 Contents
Preface |
ʻHow will we manage decontaminated soil and waste in the futureʼ – Recalling the time of the accident – |
KAWATSU Kencho | 69 |
Research Notes |
Development of a Cement Solidification Method for Melting Fly Ash
Containing Zn as a Hardening Inhibitor [Written in Japanese] abstract [Written in English]
full text
YAMADA Kazuo, ICHIKAWA Tsuneki, YASUKOUCHI Takahito, TOJO Masayasu and ENDO Kazuto | 71 |
The Fate of Strontium during Waste Incineration and Leachability from Incineration Residues (III):
Leachability of 90Sr from incineration fly ash [Written in Japanese] abstract [Written in English]
full text
YUI Kazuko, KURAMOCHI Hidetoshi and OSAKO Masahiro | 79 |
Notes from SRRCE |
91 | |
Information on Journals Published Previously |
97 | |
Submission Guidelines |
100 |
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